Super Mario Brothers

Get ready for a unique adventure full of unexpected surprises with Super Mario Brothers! Based on the exceptionally popular retro game, Super Mario Brothers revolves around the story of Mario, who is on his quest to rescue the Princess and defeat Bowser. Unlike the usual platformer games, however, this game requires players to solve puzzles in order to progress. Do you have what it takes to reach the lair of Browser and free the Princess?

Super Mario Brothers is a Scratch game made by BoltBait. In this game, players take on the role of Mario and aid his quest to Bowser’s castle in order to rescue the Princess. Lead Mario past a series of platforms and obstacles, such as lava and water, in order to reach the other side of the screen and progress onward. To solve puzzles or open a new path, don’t forget to hit the question blocks!

How To Play

  • Begin the game by pressing the spacebar. Control Mario with the arrow keys.

Mario Series Games