Alien Catcher

Alien Catcher

In Alien Catcher, join the covert government agents and apprehend the runaway aliens. Gather resources from the strange world and apprehend every alien in each level! An entertaining puzzle platformer for two players. The popular Men in Black film served as motivation for the two agents under leadership.


Two characters in this game have various sets of weapons and lasers. These weapons and lasers are utilized to capture aliens who have escaped. The aliens can be stunned by one agent. One agent carries a capture pod to apprehend the aliens. Every level's goal is to gather all of the stray aliens. Eliminate every hidden monster.

How To Play

Player 1

  • WASD - Move
  • Stealth - S
  • F - Shoot

Player 2

  • Arrow keys - Move
  • Laser gun - J
  • Capture pod - K
  • Throw trap - L

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