Detective Doggy is the adventure of a small dog on a journey to find stolen bones. Your little character appears in a beautiful and peaceful city. Realizing that the weather is extremely ideal for enjoying your favorite delicious dishes, but an incident happened. While trying to get to the location of the bones and chew them, the little character was surprised when there was nothing left of the food. You will be the companion of this dog as you investigate and expose the truth to the law.
The game starts with a short introduction, so you clearly understand your mission. Players then maneuver the character through platforms with diverse dangers and clues. All the barriers and holes will cause your character to have an accident. However, the dog in Detective Doggy has the ability to revive indefinitely. Therefore, don't be afraid to diversify your gameplay to find the most effective passing strategy. Besides, the main character can communicate with many things on this adventure to collect clues.
How To Play
Start your journey to find food and chew it with your little dog. You just need to use the arrow keys to navigate the character. In addition, when approaching an object with a clue, you click on the screen or press the spacebar to reveal the hint.
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