Minecraft Platformer - Episode 1

In Minecraft Platformer - Episode 1, players can have plenty of fun exploring the world while trying to solve puzzles! Become your favorite Minecraft character, discover resources, mine them to craft something useful, and use them to complete the puzzle and reach the purple portal! Complete the level as quickly as possible for a pleasant surprise!

Minecraft Platformer - Episode 1 is an engaging adventure game made by Atomicmagicnumber. The game is set from a 2D perspective, in which players take control of Steve and navigate him from one platform to the next in order to collect resources. Once you have enough resources, an item will be crafted automatically, and you can use it to reach different places or take down monsters! Complete each level as quickly as possible in order for the bonus chests to spawn!

How To Play

  • Take control of Steve with the WASD or arrow keys.
  • Collect resources and place items with the spacebar.

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