Scratchnapped Adventure is a thrilling adventure game created by Griffpatch. In this game, players take control of the Scratch Cat, who can make jumping and getting past obstacles a breeze! Jump from wall to wall, crouch, slide down, hang on ledges, or pound to the ground with force—he can do it all! Discover large coins in each level for an extra bonus!
Scratchnapped Adventure features simple yet enjoyable gameplay. The game is a Scratch recreation of levels 1, 2, and 4 from the game New Super Mario. In addition, as the players progress, there are a series of checkpoints to make their journey a lot easier. Jump on the heads of enemies to defeat them, break blocks for special surprises, and don’t forget to collect as many coins as possible!
How To Play
- Control the Scratch Cat with the arrow keys.
- Pause the game with the P key.
- Reset the level by holding the R key.
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